Meeting Date:
3.3 Outstanding Payable List, Food Service Payable List, Voucher Summary, Activity Report, Board of Public Utilities, Bond Disbursements, December General Fund Addendum, and the Budget Summary of Funds |
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
President Theresa Tillery will ask for a motion to approve the consent items. |
Motion to approve the Outstanding Payable List, Food Service Payable List, Voucher Summary, Activity Report, Board of Public Utilities, Bond Disbursements, December General Fund Addendum, and the Budget Summary of Funds as presented. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Melissa Pierce-s - Secretary to the Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Daniel Soptic Moved, Member Steve Russell seconded to approve the Original motion 'Motion to approve the Outstanding Payable List, Food Service Payable List, Voucher Summary, Activity Report, Board of Public Utilities, Bond Disbursements, December General Fund Addendum, and the Budget Summary of Funds as presented.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 4 - 0 | | | Theresa Tillery | Yes | Steve Russell | Yes | Daniel Soptic | Yes | Bryan Fishbaugh | Yes | |