Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
3/7/2023 - 6:30 PM  
Service Contracts/Licensing/Purchasing  
2.6 Transportation Bus Purchase  
Strategic Plans:
2015-2020 OPERATIONS
The district will strive to improve the educational environment through improved facilities, services, and infrastructure with tangible and measurable results.
BE - School Board Records  
File Attachment:
Price Comparison Report Lift Bus USD 202 Turner 02132023.pdf
Price Comparison Report 41 passenger USD 202 Turner 02132023.pdf
Turner transportation has qualified for the 2022 Kansas Clean Diesel Program School Bus Rebate Program. We will receive up to $97,188.00 to offset the price of brand new diesel buses. We are proposing the purchase of 3 Class A buses, one with a wheelchair lift. To receive the full amount of funds, the Turner School District must provide proof of the purchase of new buses. Once the bus purchases are approved, the same number of buses in our fleet must be destroyed upon delivery of the new buses. The amount of the 3 new Class A buses are $365,300.00 (See Documents).  
Motion to approve the purchase of three new Class A passenger International school buses purchased through Midwest Transit for $365,300.00 and to declare buses 30, 34,and 40 as surplus items to be destroyed in accordance with the 2022 Kansas Clean Diesel Program School Bus Rebate Program, once the new buses have been manufactured and delivered.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Joe Peterson - Supervisor
Signed By:  
Dr. Jason Dandoy - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Joy Beery Moved, Member Jeff Davidson seconded to approve the Original motion 'Motion to approve the purchase of three new Class A passenger International school buses purchased through Midwest Transit for $365,300.00 and to declare buses 30, 34,and 40 as surplus items to be destroyed in accordance with the 2022 Kansas Clean Diesel Program School Bus Rebate Program, once the new buses have been manufactured and delivered.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 4 - 0
Theresa Tillery     Yes
Joy Beery     Yes
Steve Russell     Yes
Jeff Davidson     Yes